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Meet Our Partners
SwitchedOn Training App
SwitchedOn® is a (patent pending) Perceptual-Cognitive-Motor (PCM) training app that is designed to take your physical training to the next level by keeping your brain SwitchedOn! Traditional training methods focus on improving either physical OR cognitive performance separately, where at SwitchedOn® we understand that the mind and body work together and our training must reflect that.

Dave Boyer SPC (Sports performance coach)
Our newest member to the TIKI-TAKA family. Dave Boyer comes with a vast amount of experience. We’re delighted to have him join and help our players on the mental side!
Masters in Sports Psychology
30 years of Clinical Sports Rehabilitation
6 years Strength & Conditioning Coach, NBA Detroit Pistons
3 years Head Athletic Trainer, NHL Tampa Bay Lightning
6 years Strength & Conditioning Coach, NBA Detroit Pistons
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